FAQ Categories
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General Information
What is Geist Expander: Dusty Drum Machines?
Geist Expander: Dusty Drum Machines takes you back to when drum machines were invented - dripping with vintage character and authenticity.
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Can the sounds be used in other software or hardware samplers?
Yes, individual samples can be used in any device that can load and play back 24-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV/AIFF/RX2 files. Note that the Geist kit files cannot be loaded in any other software/hardware, but the samples referenced by the kits can be loaded.
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What is the license transfer policy for this product?
Normally we allow license transfers with an accompanying fee, but the price point for this sample-pack is extremely low, and license transfers would not make sense.
Therefore, sales are final on this product - you are paying for access and use of the content for your productions only.
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